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时间:2016-10-08 11:54:25 来源: 澳门最准四不像建设 阅读量: 作者:豪禾 澳门最准四不像咨询


  1930年代大萧条正卷土重来?战略大师、哈佛大学教授迈克·波特(Michael Porter)相信,当前正是许多公司迈向卓越的关键点——只要他们能够采取正确的战略。对此,他有叁点建议:


  二、避免因小失大。给公司带来灾难的,往往不是危机本身,而是公司的临危变阵。因为一项好的长期战略,往往在几年之后方可产生效果。比如,为了应对暂时 澳门六开彩开奖结果 澳门最准四不像策划公司的销售困境,一家定位高端的制造商贸然调低售价,以迎合那些价格敏感型顾客,这无异于让长期积累的 澳门最准四不像形象毁于一旦。


Making good out of the bad

But there appears to be a silver lining this cloud. As companies are normally scrutinised every quarter on their profitability, the pressure is always on to keep the numbers healthy. But at times like this, Porter says that the stock price and quarterly results actually don’t matter very much because nobody is going to look good. And trying to look a little better when everybody is bad doesn’t really get you much.

He adds that it is ironic that during such trying times that companies have the greatest flexibility to make unprecedented moves and investments that they would otherwise not have been able to do in more normal periods when they’re under more short-term scrutiny.

“At times like these, there’s a possibility to make moves that you could never dream of making before …We’ve got to see this for what it is. We’re going to have to understand that the rules of economics and competition are going to continue, and we’ve got to take advantage of this period to try to move our business forward.”


  本文经许可,摘自INSEAD Knowledge。未经INSEAD Knowledge同意,任何人不得转载本文。


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